A graduate in Theatrical Interpretation as well as in Professional Music and Song Techniques, Eric takes his first steps in the artistic field as a comedian in popular TV shows, commercials as well as in cinema. However, it is the union between music and theatrical play that makes him vibrate; singing being his reason for living, and the scene his house.

It was then that he began his career as a comedian-singer in the musical magazine “LES ANNÉES JEUNESSE”, produced by Joël Legendre and directed by Grégory Charles. His talent, determination, professionalism and dedication to the job do not go unnoticed. He shines in the musical HAIRSPRAY, directed by Denise Filiatrault and produced by Juste Pour Rire at the St-Denis Theatre. It is also abroad, at the Tropicana Showroom in Atlantic City, that he shows his talent in the large-scale musical review 80s FLASHBACK.

Back in Quebec, he designed and directed the musical show KÄNAM EXPERIENCE, with his musical sidekick Jason McNally, he also accepted a contract as a backing vocalist for the program “EN DIRECT DE L’UNIVERS”. Amongst other things, he has the privilege of singing for CELINE DION as well as for many Quebec and international artists. This place of choice on the show, leads it to be part of the biggest shows and galas in the industry.

Eric then traveled to Quebec with the shows “NOËL À DEUX”, with Marie-Ève Janvier and Jean-François Breau, as well as “L’AVENTURE MAGIQUE”, a youth show in which he played the role of Aladdin for two years on tour. He is also the artistic and vocal director of several youth productions in the company Tohu-Bohu Productions, which entrusted him with the production of two youth albums.

In 2017, Eric presents himself at the blind auditions of the famous Quebec show LA VOIX. It is after a flawless, sensitive and powerful performance that the four coaches turn around, stunned by his immense talent. He then becomes a candidate on Marc Dupré’s team. The web ignites; Eric gets recognition from the public, his peers and thousands of bonus fans. At the end of his adventure, he signed a major record deal with LKL DISCS and is currently working on developing his solo career.

After having directed the artistic direction of several projects within the company SYNC Productions, she entrusts him with the writing and staging of the musical KABARET, presented in residence at Théâtre St-Sauveur in the summer of 2018.